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The Daily Star - October 28th, 2006
The Daily Star - September 8th, 2006
The Daily Star - September 7th, 2006
The Daily Star - September 6th, 2006
The Daily Star - September 5th, 2006
The Daily Star - September 4th, 2006
The Daily Star - September 4th, 2006
The Daily Star - September 2nd, 2006
The Freeman's Journal - September 1st, 2006
The Daily Star - August 31st, 2006

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Nomination of Sgt. Richard J. Devlin, Jr to the Otsego County Republican Committee by Sheriff Donald R. Mundy on May 22, 2006.

Good evening. For you who do not know me, I am Don Mundy, your Sheriff.

We are here tonight to nominate someone for the Office of Sheriff. We are very fortunate to have 3 good men looking to fill that position. I am familiar with all 3 men. I worked with Mr. Beijen when we were with the State Police. Mr. Lehenbauer worked for the Sheriff’s Office on two different occasions. Sgt. Devlin has worked for the Sheriff’s Office the last 14 years. After some thought, there is no doubt in my mind that Sgt. Devlin is the man to fill the position as Sheriff. Therefore, I enter the name of Richard Devlin, Jr. in nomination for Sheriff of Otsego County. This does not take anything away from Mr. Beijen or Mr. Lehenbauer. I am sure that in their chosen field as Insurance Investigators they do excellent work.

As I stated, Sgt. Devlin has been with the Otsego County Sheriff’s Office for over 14 years. He is a very loyal employee. He has had chances to go to other Police Departments for more money, but he chose not to. He has stayed through good times and bad. To me, that shows character and loyalty – the loyalty he has for the Department.

You don’t find much of that these days.Sgt. Devlin has come up through the ranks from Patrol Officer, Investigator and now Sergeant. As Sgt., he oversees the Department’s Criminal Division Road Patrol and does other administrative duties at my request. He has the respect of ALL members of the Sheriff’s Department.

Approximately 2 years ago I instructed Sgt. Devlin to become familiar with the Civil Office and Corrections Division. With the assistance of Sr. Civil Clerk Marilynn Folts and Jail Administrator Lt. Jack Barrett, Sgt. Devlin gained a working knowledge of both Divisions.

Sgt. Devlin has been fundamental in computerizing the Department – record keeping from hand written blotter entries to a networked incident reporting system. He has also assisted in computerizing the corrections department so all booking paperwork has been replaced with computer forms. Livescan has also been installed in the Jail, which is the electronic capture and transmission of fingerprints. At this time, we are in the process of implementing TRACS, which is the computerized version of the Accident report and uniform traffic summons. Sgt. Devlin is the grant writer for our Department enabling us to get this equipment through grant funding.

Sgt. Devlin works closely with the State Police, local Law Enforcement and Emergency Services Agencies.

Rich has given over 14 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Sheriff’s Department. He was an excellent Road Patrol Officer, Investigator and as Sergeant is an excellent Supervisor and is well respected by his subordinates. He is well versed on the operations of the civil and corrections divisions. He has good relations with the County Board. I honestly feel that it would be a disservice to him and all members of the Department if he is not nominated to present the Republican Party in November. The bottom line is that Sgt. Devlin is the most qualified person to be the next Sheriff of Otsego County.

Committee members, you have trusted me 3 times by nominating me for Sheriff and I thank you for that, but I ask you to trust me one more time by nominating Sgt. Devlin.








Campaign contributions may be sent to:

Devlin For Sheriff
P.O. Box 541
Milford, N.Y. 13807